1 definition by asdfghjkl_qwerty

a band of five pretty decent guys who were better when they weren’t as popular. now they’re all in it for the fame and money and they’re all dating gold diggers like kay cooke, and tate dahl. gabbie is the most amazing person ever but that’s besides the point. they’re not that good anymore. their music has gone down the trash. it’s absolute shit
*one year ago*
person 1: hey what band is that ? they’re pretty good

person 2: oh that’s why don’t we. they’re an amazing band and yada yada yada
person 1: ew what band is that they’re trash
person 2: oh i know. it’s this band that i used to like called why don’t we.

person 1: why do you still listen to them then ?
person 2: because i have no way of getting my money back for this shit show
by asdfghjkl_qwerty March 19, 2019
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