2 definitions by artgeek707

A very funny anime that was based off a four panel manga. It follows six girls as well another secondary female character that shows up a lot (but can't be considered a main character) and three of their teachers (one irresponsible, the other acts as a babysitter for the first, and the third who is a creepy stalker/pervert). It also has an evil cat named Kamineko and a random yellow "father cat" that contantly shows up
by artgeek707 October 4, 2007
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An amazing anime based off of Renee Descartes quote "cogito ergo sum" Translated it means "Because I think, therefore I am". It has an amazing storyline, intrigueing characters, and an awing visual experiance. It also makes refeences to philosphy and famous art pieces (Michaelangelo's moon and sun statues and the painting Ophelia). This anime banishes the common phrase "anime is only for children" and even more common "anime is only for perverts" If you like adult, inteligent anime, or just good TV. Watch Ergo Proxy.
Characters of Ergo Proxy: Real Mayar {also Re-L depending on translation (Lil is a fansub mistake)} a detective who while solving several mysterius murders comes across a horrific creature called a proxy
Vincent Law: Protagonist, is suspected by the goverment of the city
Pino: a auto lave (robot) that gets infected with the cogito virus, a virus that causes auto lave's to develop feelings and human personalities
by artgeek707 October 3, 2007
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