1 definition by aridoll

A person with a dark shade of hair color. Contrary to what some dumb people say being brunette does not make you dull; it's quite the opposite as blonde genereally gets to be bland and there is a plethora of gorgeous dark haired women (and men) in this world. Also, some blondes say that brunettes are close minded but that just reveals that individual's closemindedness for labeling a person because of their hair color not to mention it shows their stupidity; it also shows their hypocracy because they say brunettes are jealous yet they seem pretty jealous of brunettes themselves judging from how defensive they also get.
person 1:Those neo-nazis seem like they want to rid this world of brunettes, don't they suck?

person 2: Yeah, what idiots... not to mention that some people are ignorant enough to think all guys actually prefer blondes. It depends on the guy but it's a well known fact many guys actually do prefer brunettes.It's funny how hard it's for some people to accept. To me that shows some kind of resentment or envy from their part. I know so many guys who think the most beautiful girls are brunettes.I mean in a particular case if we're going to be superficial what idiot would choose an ugly or average blonde over a beautiful brunette just because the girl is blonde? And what dumbass can't comprehend that a girl can have dark colored hair and still be amazingly gorgeous? OMG people are so stupid!
by aridoll October 3, 2006
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