1 definition by areeeuh

Aria's are usually sad, and will hint at it, but would never say it out loud. They aren't quite sure what they're doing half the time but always end up doing well. They get good grades, have a decent amount of amazing friends, and are pretty mellow. They're commonly interested in the arts, like music, theater, painting, and writing. If they try hard enough they'll look pretty, but generally aren't the most attractive people in the world. When they have a crush on someone, because of their boldness, they'll confess. They can be very pushy, annoying, and persistent but overall very kind people. Being self conscious is their brand, and they'd do almost anything for validation. Changing themselves for others is just in their nature. But their sense of humor is something you'll never get, yet everytime they'll leave you dying laughing. They're curious about things, and often dumbfounded. All in all, if you know an Aria, keep them around.
"Who's she? She looks super shy."

"She can be, but she's actually a really loud person. You should talk to her! She doesn't bite. Her name's Aria."

"Alright, I will!"
by areeeuh February 29, 2020
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