1 definition by arealycuteguy

Anjelika is the sweetest, cutest girl ever. She can be your sunshine and can brighten your day. She can make you feel amazing at any time during the day. She is smart, beautiful, sexy , cute and caring all at the same time. If treated right she is also the most appreciative person in the world. Overall if someone is like an Anjelika she is just a treasure. Anjelika's voice, her smile, her laughter, her singing can be enough for you to fall in love with Anjelika. Anjelika is also very stylish. Overall Anjelika is the perfect combination of looks and personality.
-How did you two start dating.
-She's just an Anjelika . I couldn't do anything but to fall in love with her.
by arealycuteguy December 13, 2020
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