1 definition by anotherreallycoolperson

Jonila has an unhealthy obsession with toads, frogs and rats. She is incredibly creative and a really talented artist, if she trys to deny it just know she is lying. She is shy when you first talk to her but when she warms up to you she is the purist most wholesome human ever. She is the second most adorable living thing, the first most adorable thing is her cat which can never be beaten on the adorable living things tier list. She’s a bit of a weeb but a cool one. If you find one in the wild make sure to treasure her, Jonila's are very rare to come by.
Person: What's a Jonila?
Other Person: You don't know? She's the second most adorable living thing on the adorable living things tier list
by anotherreallycoolperson June 11, 2020
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