1 definition by anonteacup

Poema in Spanish means poem. Poema is a very rare name. Poema likes art and she is very invested in it. When Poema has a crush she is crazy about them. Almost to the point of stalking. She might get a little jealous if you talk to her crush. Poema is a hard worker and very organized. The type of person to stay up late working on a project until she finishes. Poema is dedicated. She is kind and a little shy in the beginning, but once you get to know her you see how unique she is. She has a great sense of humor, and loves to make inside jokes with her friends. She gets a long with almost anyone. She has beautiful almond chocolate brown eyes. She is a little insecure about her appearance. She likes the hippie aesthetic and loves music. She prefers older music. Like the Beatles. Poema is an artist. Poema is someone who dreams big. Poema is loved and cherished by all.
Poema is so chill.
I love Poema’s outfits!
Poema is so creative.
by anonteacup November 21, 2021
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