2 definitions by andrew_is_so_hot6969696969

The girl that is beautiful, cute, sweet, smart, lovable, talented, lucky, and MYSTERIOUS😏. The name of Xindi is for a perfectionist. She is the girl them boys want🥵🥵. Her eyes are easy to get lost in and stare deep into your soul?idk🗿

Becareful tho she has a lust for blood🗿. If you don't watch your back she will kill you. If you break her heart (idrk about this but). She will tear you limb from limb and cook you ALIVE. Other than that she's pretty loyal as a friend and if you want to die, a lover too.

Damn I wish I had a Xindi in my life☹😒🙇🏾 ♂️
by andrew_is_so_hot6969696969 November 23, 2021
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The girl that is beautiful, cute, sweet, smart, lovable, talented, lucky, and MYSTERIOUS😏. The name of Xindi is for a perfectionist. She is the girl them boys want🥵🥵. Her eyes are easy to get lost in and stare deep into your soul?idk🗿

Becareful tho she has a lust for blood🗿. If you don't watch your back she will kill you. If you break her heart (idrk about this but). She will tear you limb from limb and cook you ALIVE. Other than that she's pretty loyal as a friend and if you want to die, a lover too.

Damn I wish I had a Xindi in my life☹😒🙇🏾 ♂️
by andrew_is_so_hot6969696969 November 23, 2021
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