2 definitions by alwaysaladybug

An unusual spelling of the girl's name Alexis, that happens to be way cooler than the traditional spelling, much like the girl with that name. A girl with this name is typically pretty, funny, smart, talented, hardworking, organized, flirty, fun, and slightly clumsy. She is a good friend and loves to laugh.
Guy to his friend: "Have you met that hot new girl....She's a total Alxis!! I'm working up the nerve to talk to her!"
by alwaysaladybug January 19, 2011
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A silf is a "sister i'd like to fuck". it is the same idea as a milf. Silfs are usually absolutely georgous, sexy, irresistable, and extremely flirty
Guy 1: "Dude you have to meet my sister Alie, she's a total silf"
by alwaysaladybug February 3, 2011
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