3 definitions by allah not akbar²

Islam inspired by the Third Reich also believes a lie repeated often enough becomes true in the mind of the simple not much unlike truthiness.
If you tell a lie big enough, allah ackbar, and keep repeating it, naive people will eventually come to believe it

allah ackbar? no! allah NOT ackbar
by allah not akbar² May 19, 2013
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allahu NOT-akbar
allahu akbar? like extra holes poked through your head by peaceful shrapnel are akbar: NOT at all!! Children who refuse to be sexually victimized have explosives lashed to them to spread the islam around in the finest particles possible (acerbic apologetics assault) as quickly as possible (explosive ecumenism).
by allah not akbar² June 15, 2013
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allahu NOT-akbar
allahu akbar? no! like extra holes poked through your head by peaceful shrapnel are akbar: NOT at all!! Children who refuse to be sexually victimized have explosives lashed to them to spread the islam around in the finest particles possible (acerbic apologetics assault) as quickly as possible (explosive ecumenism).
by allah not akbar² June 15, 2013
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