2 definitions by all the good ones were taken.

Name of the mental mechanism that allows people to make exceptions to an otherwise self-accepted statement without being hounded by guilt.
Special Pleading in action:
Jack and Kyle are in line at a pizzeria. Jack notices that Kyle ordered 4 slices of pizza and a liter of Coke. Jack thinks that Kyle is a fatass for doing so.

The next day, Jack orders 4 slices of pizza and a liter of Sprite and downs it all for lunch. But, as he's putting the pizza to bed, all he thinks about is how especially hungry he is after skipping breakfast that morning.
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1.(n, proper) The late wife or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
She made her passage to the great beyond on January 30th, 2006.
Was a noted civil rights activist during her life, alongside her late husband and Rosa Parks.
Mrs. Corretta Scott King was 78 when she passed.
by all the good ones were taken. December 27, 2010
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