2 definitions by albenza

Press the OK button repeatedly untill all windows are closed and you completely exited the program/service.

A term often used in tutorials involving the Microsoft Windows collection of operating systems, where the user may find him self spending most of their time pressing ok/apply/cancel/yes/no.
Now ok your way out." This term is often followed up by the line "You may need to reboot at this stage.
by albenza September 2, 2010
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Press the OK button over and over again until all windows are closed and you completely exited the program/service.

A term often used in tutorials involving the Microsoft Windows collection of operating systems, where the user often finds him or her self pressing buttons like ok/apply/cancel/yes/no.
"Now OK your way out." - This term is often followed up by the phrase - "You might need to reboot at this stage".
by albenza September 2, 2010
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