2 definitions by adventureboy

Refers to a round rather than rectangular device used by paraglider pilots to desend safely when then existing rectangular wing, and therefore steerable wing, has been compromised to the degree that death or serious injury is eminent.
If a paraglider pilot determines that existing wing is unflyable they must throw a reserve parachute to arrest their descent or risk death or injury. One drawback, parachutes are unsteerable, if you happen to be flying over a Redwood forest, or some 500,000 volt power lines, Mt Everest, you can imagine the sinking feeling?...

by adventureboy April 19, 2009
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Implys both a steerable rectangular multi celled directional device constructed of ripstop nylon generating lift, and a harness which the pilot sets in while flying.
Pilots lays out rectangular wing on ground facing prevailing wind usally on a ridge or mountain. Straps into harness attached to wing by 72 independent high strength lines. Foot launches into wind when wing is fully inflated. Paragliders can fly for over a hundred miles on one flight!
by adventureboy April 20, 2009
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