2 definitions by abezice

This word has no inherent meaning but can be used in place of any word (sort of like fuck or smurf: smurf-berries, have a smurfy day, etc).
Chuckle is usually taken to mean the most perverse, obscene, or disgusting thing imaginable in the given context.
Chuckle me tenderly.

I chuckled up a storm in the bathroom.

I want to chuckle that waitress.

Oops, I chuckled myself.

Chuckle my wompus!

Are you the Chuckler?

Dude, it was chuckle central at that party.
by abezice January 3, 2010
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A disgusting, sloppy vagina with sludge-like excretions (mucus, afterbirth, sperm, feces, etc). Likely accompanied by very foul odor.
A sludgina is what you might expect a wompus or a cheap hooker to have.
So I hooked up with this chick at the bar, but then I found out she had a sludgina!

Gross dude, I can smell her sludgina from here!

Chuckle my sludgina!
by abezice January 3, 2010
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