2 definitions by aaapppeeerrrsssooonnn

A rebelphone is an extremely modded cellphone (or in different cases, whatever you mod like a rebel Xbox). Why is it called a rebel? Well, let's say that one gets incredibly bored being part of the crowd and wants to show off a one of a kind device and their skills in hardware modifications and software hacking.
Mark: "Dude, is that an Evo? It looks sick!"
Jason: "That's what it used to be. Now it's an Android Rebelphone!"
by aaapppeeerrrsssooonnn February 1, 2011
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A person who is obsessed with horrible music.
Description of one who is obsessed with horrible music.
Bob: Wow, the choir teacher for our school picks the worst music. It must be a waste of time to be there.

John: Yeah, he's totally a psychomalaudic.
by aaapppeeerrrsssooonnn March 29, 2010
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