2 definitions by a sound shaman

Drewsepher (noun)

1) A person with an enourmous Chuck Norris style penis.

2) Somebody whose testicles are each bigger than the other

3) extraordinarily talented at sex

4) fellatious
1) I did the sex a Drewsepher for the first time last night and I almost bled to death

2) (person 1) did you hear about that guy who cut off his own arm with a multi-tool to escape from under a boulder? (person 2) Yeah man, what a Drewsepher

3) aww that chick last night was such a Drewsepher, I must've had 10 orgasms

4) oh my god, Tina Fey is so funny, its like shes a Drewsepher

5) guy #1 "hey i finnally figured out how to make my penis 4 feet long" guy#2 "dude HOW?" guy#1 "just cut off 3 quarters of it." guy#2 "you are such a Drewsepher
by a sound shaman September 13, 2009
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Fellatious a word combining fellatio and hilarious

something which is both awesome and funny is fellatious

something pleasurable and funny

preferably a burn of some kind.

history: created on Friday, September 11th, 2009
facebook status: song lyric, "And don't forgot to take deep breaths."

comment: "thats what she said"

= fellatious

sex jokes = fellatious
by a sound shaman September 13, 2009
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