3 definitions by a crashed bus
Stonic is a squid that makes the worst youtube content. He is not as bad as sqazzy . He plays minecraft and cod but not roblox. It makes dilliphant very very sad. He can often be found in a box or a bus near a fast food place with free Wi-Fi. He has a uncle dilliphant that sometimes attacks him for trying to take his bag. Stonic is a stupid bastard.
by a crashed bus February 23, 2017
chef is a person. everyone is gay for chef. he is better then keemstar. lets get right into the chef. chef is better then my uncle dillipahnt. hail chef.
by a crashed bus October 28, 2016
Tarman is a salty slime. He likes to hit people for touching his things. He gets very salty when he plays video games. He often hits Senpai samoo for taking his drinks.
by a crashed bus February 16, 2017