1 definition by a perry haller

Located in northeast baltimore county, maryland, perry hall was founded in 1774 by this guy Henry Dorsey Gough who had a shitload of money. He purchased 1,000 acres north of present-day Belair Road and called it "the Adventure." But then it was renamed as Perry Hall, after a place in England, which is a good thing because the Adventure, MD sounds gay. So then Gough built Perry Hall Mansion, which still stands today off of Perry Hall Road. It's rumored to be "haunted" and anyone who has attempted to break in knows this. So Perry Hall used to be the farmlands of Baltimore County, and kind of still is, but now all these trashy people have decided to make Perry Hall their new trailor park. However, Perry Hall still exists today as a sweet ass town. Most of the kids there go to Perry Hall High, but a lot go to private schools in the city. A true Perry Haller is a member of Perry Hall Swim Club and hangs out at the Avenue or the mall on the weekends. If they're not doing that, they probably at some kid's house getting trashed. What can we say? That's how we roll.
P. Holla (Perry Hall) is where its at!
by a perry haller July 24, 2006
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