24 definitions by _The Secret_

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) -- or Munchausen by proxy -- is a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care. ... The person with MSP gains attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a child in his or her care.
The person with MSP does not seem to be motivated by a desire for any type of material gain. While health care providers are often unable to identify the specific cause of the child's illness, they may not suspect the mother or caregiver of doing anything to harm the child. In fact the caregiver often appears to be very loving and caring and extremely distraught over her/his child's illness.
by _The Secret_ September 16, 2019
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A Neurochemical process that occurs when you are in love. Your body is releasing adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin.

Once you've fallen for someone, your body naturally speeds up its processing of these feel-good hormones, which creates a chemical intensity that is often described as "love." It's not long before our bodies become addicted to the euphoric feelings of love triggered by that special someone.
Contrary to You, separation can create
feelings of sadness to downright agony depending on the relationship and the amount of time you've been apart. Naturally, missing your loved one is a totally normal reaction to being separated from them. Whether you're apart for weeks, or even a matter of just hours and days. Pining after someone who isn't physically with you can give a sad-like feeling. So it's not suprising the chemical reactions your brain may experience when you miss your partner.
by _The Secret_ October 27, 2019
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Its hard to explain the empty feeling in your heart. Why does it hurt so much? Why wont it go away.

You had hopes and dreams with a certain person but they'd continuously hurt you. Was it their way of pushing you away? Why couldn't they just leave the relationship?

You made yourself vulnerable to this person and they broke you down time after time. The pain was unbearable. You tried to ask why they did these things to hurt you, but they'd laugh at you and call you sensitive. The unanswered questions are the pain now.

Someone far more special will soon come into your life, someone who brings you up, who cherishes the small things, who doesn't feel entitled, and who brings the best out in you not the worst.
The pain is not forever. It was just a lesson along the way. It's okay to be vulnerable. It's all worth it in the end.
by _The Secret_ December 12, 2019
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