4 definitions by Zipongj

Used to describe the internet "pipeline" that slowly radicalizes typically young, white men into the ideology of the far/alt-right. It takes advantage of a process of desensitization through the YouTube recommendation algorithm. Slowly showing the viewer more and more radical content without themselves noticing much of a change.
One minute I was watching Pewdiepie and the next I was chanting Sieg Heil at the Richard Spencer rally. That Alt-Right Pipeline is no joke.
by Zipongj April 10, 2019
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A pejorative used by the political right-wing to describe people like feminists, vegans, and other left wing activist. Social Justice Warrior entered into common nomenclature in 2014 during the online harrassment campaign known as gamergate. Since then, an entire brand of right wing "comedy" and various "intellectuals" have emerged and cashed in on the hysteria. Typically this style of content is fed to the viewer through the YouTube recommendation algorithm, which will slowly begin to show the viewer more and more radicalized content- the viewer, having been desentized through exposure, will likely not notice they are being radicalized as they go from "SJW gets REKT" all the way to "IQ differences between the races." This has been termed The Alt-Right Pipeline in reference to the slow transition into Alt-Right Beliefs.

Social Justice Warriors are more or less a fantasy, and one will almost certainly never encounter one of these people in the real world. Often times the Social Justice Warriors online have been found to be the work of internet trolls trying to discredit social activism in general.
I swear man, one minute I was watching some jew tell a social justice warrior college kid they weren't special and the next I was on the National Socialists of America website trying to figure out why blacks are genetically predisposed to crime.
by Zipongj April 10, 2019
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A person belonging to the political left and usually identifying with the radical, anti capitalist, or revolutionary sectors of left politics. Includes anarchists, marxists, communists, socialists, and all other explicitly radical left ideologies.
That guy's a total leftist, his pantry is full of Molotov cocktails and nothing else.
by Zipongj September 14, 2019
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A person who identifies with political left wing ideology. Sometimes confused with liberal, however leftists often view liberals with contempt. Seeing them as ineffective, spineless, and susceptible to fascist influence. Leftists are traditionally anti-capitalist, however some may not be inherently anti-capitalist and may more so align themselves with regulated capitalism and social democracy(the Scandinavian Model).

Pursuant of social justice and social reform as a way to balance out the alleged disparity of power between the classes of people. Leftist movements are nearly always populist, emphasizing the important of widspread political action.
Occupy Wallstreet was a protest by leftists in favor of economic reform.
by Zipongj April 10, 2019
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