2 definitions by Ziff Webster

An area or place deliberately designed or built to bring in tourists and the associated involved industries. Can also be a place that was ‘quietly popular’ to a niche market of people before being heavily marketed by big business to bring in droves of people/(tourists) and money.

A word best used in a past-tense or ‘after the horse has bolted’ situation.
“Wow, they went all-out to overdo the tourism in Byron Bay. It has been heavily touristified, hasn’t it?!”
by Ziff Webster March 7, 2022
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The action of a cat or kitten paw-slapping someone repeatedly. Cat slaps with paws, kitten slaps with paws.
Kitty wasn’t fed in time, so she gave her owner a skibbitypap as punishment.
by Ziff Webster January 23, 2022
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