2 definitions by Zatch BellOO7

Deemed as the longest word (45 letters altogether) in English, in medical terminology it stands for a lung disease caused by inhaling particles of sand dust and fine ash.
Pneumono- lung, Ultra- extremely, microscopic- tiny, silico(Silica)- sand, volcano, coniosis- scarring = Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
by Zatch BellOO7 October 29, 2020
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1) A sudden dramatic turn of events, especially in cinema; A climactic crescendo 2) (Archaic) a theatrical success
E.g.: I was enthralled by the coup de théâtre at the end plays
Even in a show as slick as this, the effect is a coup de théâtre
by Zatch BellOO7 October 29, 2020
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