1 definition by YuCalFinest

verb:to tell a long, over-exaggerated story (phat lie) including in depth details of a sexual adventure that change every time the story is told. These stories do not include names of girl or girls involved. Girls usually described as insanely bodacious and extremely attractive. One may believe these mohles until the lies become too unreal.

Ridiculous story that is unbelievable but still is told in hopes to gain attention.
dillis- "This weekend i got 3 hand jobs, 5 bjs, and got laid 7 times from 3 different girls i just met at target."

victim of mohle- "oh who were they?"

dillis- "hold on let me finish. They were all amateur models with huge tits."

victim of mohle- (thinking to himself: "BULLSHIT!!") "oh thats cool"
by YuCalFinest December 30, 2011
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