1 definition by Yourfriendlyassholes

Wolverine's attack when he is really pissed! Also know as the Berserker Rage. Wolverine will sometimes lapse into a berserker rage while in close combat. In this state he lashes out with the intensity and aggression of an enraged animal and is even more resistant to psionic attack.
"First you take a run at La Fours with a sock full of quarters. I'd do it, but I pulled my back at humping your mom last night. Neetch. Okay, you clock him on his headpiece and knock his ass out cold. That's when phase two kicks in. I attack the structure Wolverie Berzerker style, and knock out the fuckin' pin and bickety bam, the motherfucker is rubble. Hence, no game show. " - 'Jay' Mall Rats
by Yourfriendlyassholes April 16, 2009
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