2 definitions by YourMomsKids

A extremly under-rated singer and probably cooler than you.

They dislike cats which makes them wish the worst upon those who dare to disagree with them.
Person A: OMG!! I love the song "Call Me Maybe"

Person B: Yeahh, Ingsulii sings it all the time, they're so much cooler than us!
by YourMomsKids November 22, 2021
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A extremly under-rated singer and probably cooler than you.

They dislike cats which makes them wish the worst upon anyone who disagrees.
Person A: OMG! i love the song "Call Me Maybe"

Person B: Ingsulii also loves that song, they're so much cooler than us!!
by YourMomsKids November 22, 2021
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