2 definitions by Your Very Own Therapist

Thuwaiba is an honest and talented girl. She would never lie to anyone. You can trust Thuwaiba and she will always have your back. She is very beautiful but humble about it. Thuwaiba is the type of friend that everyone needs.
Thuwaiba is so kind!
by Your Very Own Therapist January 10, 2019
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Sahia is a skilled girl. She is extremely intelligent. Sahia gets tired very often and can be very stubborn at times. She is beautiful in her own unique way. Sahia's mood is like a roller coaster; she can be very hyper to do something fun or sometimes she just wants to relax. Sahia is an important friend to have because she will always have a solution.
Sahia will always find a way!
by Your Very Own Therapist April 6, 2019
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