2 definitions by You know me ;)

Is an attractive male, Smokes weed anytime anywhere with you, loves cute girls, will always be by your side, solves every problem, super wise, could be very sad but doesn't show it, he makes you happy instead of his self, people don't appreciate him. But get to know him, he will change your life and the way toy think of it, His hugs and kisses bring you down to the floor like warm ice cream. Don't let him go, talk to him, get attached and never leave his side nor will he.
Luis - Catch yo feeling.
by You know me ;) October 30, 2018
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To mutually agree on something
Person 1: Dude we should totally get a rad tattoo

Person 2: Pyah mother fucker
by You know me ;) May 12, 2013
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