1 definition by You've been nutsacked

When someone takes your backpack/purse empties it out, flips it inside out, places everything back in, and zips it up. This usually occurs when the victim leaves their bag unattended in class. If a talented perpetrator finds a bag with an inner pocket, he/she can double nutsack the bag.
Bob: "Hey Jeff just left to use the bathroom!"
Joe: "Help me nutsack his backpack!"
Natalie: "Can you watch my purse? I need to go get something from John's locker."
Katie: "Ok... (Natalie leaves the classroom) Haha sucks for her, hasn't she leanred not to leave things with me? Poor girl is going to get double nutsacked."
Desmond: WTF man, who the hell nutsacked my backpack!?
by You've been nutsacked October 2, 2010
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