1 definition by You're prince

Girls named Zeemal are some of the most amazing and
beautiful girls you will ever met they are very nice, smart, funny, cute, fun to be around, gorgeous, and extremely sexy. They have extremely beautiful and amazing eyes, They are very truthful and generous to the people they love and very trustworthy. once met they will steal your heat and you will fall in love with them when you are in love with them you will love them more then anything and you will never let any happen to them and will do anything for them so they can be happy you're love for them will become infinite they are just too amazing, they can sometimes be "sassy." But it in there nature but it's the cutest thing you will ever see They enjoy spending time on the joking around with friends and having fun most Zeemal's have allergies. They have a life expectancy of 85+ years.
Zeemal is the most amazing and beautiful girl I have ever met.
by You're prince April 22, 2012
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