1 definition by You Env Me

The #1 pure clan in RuneScape. Foe has the best community, best pkers, and best leadership. They have been owning the wild since '05 and will continue to do so until the end of time. Though they have some faggot clan members, such as Sefket, they still manage to get along just fine; mainly in part to great associates such as You Env Me. Where would Foe be without him?
MM - "Oh shit it's Foe. Guys, tele and then come back and 1 item them. "

FI - "Omg, is that Foe? Everyone run to single!"

TLP - "Foe, damnit. Tank test my addy armor."

Walli - "Wtf Sefket man? Suck a dick."

Sefket - "Play scape all day long... and you'll never, never go wrong."
by You Env Me April 27, 2009
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