3 definitions by Yogo333

Moosa is slang for someone who loves to play league of legends all day long and spends hours on google chrome. Moosa is the type of person who is self-centered and makes others do work for them, like holding their bags, while they spend all their time playing league with their "special six" (Moosas usually only have about five friends, so six in total if you include the Moosa themselves). Basically, Moosa is someone who plays league and thinks of themselves as superior to all.
Person 1: Moosa is making me clean his balls again
Person 2: Why does Moosa always do this and then go play league?
Moosa: Ugh, I'll do it myself.

Moosa feel sexy!
Fuck love Moosa the Moosapus!
Maurice, the Moosa are coming!
by Yogo333 December 5, 2021
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Jitopia is a small island to the far south of India located near the bottom of the Indian Ocean. It was first discovered by the Indian explorer Baljit Uppal in 1756. He named it Jitopia after himself. Jitopia is not well known and doesn't really count as an island because it is smaller than the required island size. Therefore, it is not on many maps. It was used for nuclear testing in the late 1950s and parts of the island which was a fair size blew off and made it its small size that it is today. Presently, Jitopia is inhabited by the Näkńut Mïkmòt tribe, also known as the Jits. They are humans who are 1/3 the size of an average man.
Let's go to Jitopia!
by Yogo333 October 26, 2016
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JJ is what you would call a seventh-grade math teacher who has no purpose in life and is very submissive. Basically a term for any adult who is useless without help from others, but it is most used for math teachers, especially ones in elementary school. JJs usually are friends with jenoms (slang for big mean ladies) because jenoms will always boss the JJs around and tell them what to do, giving their life purpose.
Teacher: Today we are going to learn math...
Principal: No you will not. We are going to have gym class on the roof today!
Teacher: Yes. We will do what the principal says because I am such a bottom.
Student: Damn, what a JJ.

Jenom: I am going to control your every action.
JJ: That's perfect!
Some kid named Mikal: Bro why is that dude such a JJ...

JJ: You will never get the mind ball Ryneil!
Ryneil: Ugh yes I will!
JJ: Okay fine you can take it.
Doof: This guy is such a JJ.
by Yogo333 December 8, 2021
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