1 definition by Yewers2024Trump

Someone who will always make you laugh and who will always get serious when you need to talk. Whenever you want to talk to her she listens closely and gives you good advice, vice versa.

She is loud and fun with her friends but when she gets to situations she is unsure of she tones it down. Her laugh at first may sound annoying but after it continues to go for like 15 seconds it warms your heart.

She is someone who is not afraid to show her feelings or speak out when she’s experiencing something. No matter what you are dealing with annalise will stick close to you better than other friends. She is so understanding and humble and that makes her so great. Annalise is one of the best people you’ll meet so don’t let go of her if you find one.
I’ve been going through some things, and Annalise really stuck by me
by Yewers2024Trump January 7, 2022
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