2 definitions by Yetanotheroriginalusername

A term most prevalent during the 1980's and 1990's that is a colloquialism simply meaning "I acknowledge your statement as true or meaningful". Commonly followed by "brother".
Now, it is often used ironically by children on the internet to mock those who are older than them, even though they themselves have no idea what aforementioned seniors are talking about.
1.) (In 1980, in response to a friend's comment on a woman's ass) "Word, brother."
2.) Some cringy-ass freshman: *throws up double peace signs* "Word, mah brotha!" *Laughs like an autistic hyena with his equally cringy friends*
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Predominantly in their mid-thirties to early forties and typically hide in their mom's basement playing video games and watching my little pony hentai.
They refuse to act their age and yet want the world to treat them as adults when it is most convenient for them. Most have the appearance of an overweight slug and lack even the most basic of social skills.
More often than not these sorry individuals aren't really autistic, but simply are lazy and were raised wrong.
This trait is often paired with being a weeaboo or a male feminist who not only has never had sex with a woman, but likely hasn't seen their dick in years due to their obesity and perpetual sitting posture.
Other key signs that you are dealing with a man-child are:
1.) Refusal to see that they are in the wrong.
2.) Hisses at the mere sight of sunlight.
3.) Making shitposts on 4chan and Reddit about sensitive topics.
4.) Extremely homophobic and racist.
5.) Owns at least seven fedoras.
6.) Hasn't bathed in months.
7.) Posts bad photoshops of them and their waifu on social media.
8.) When angered, will launch into a foaming rage and rant on the internet on how they're being oppressed and discriminated against.
9.) Has severe arthritis in one hand from jacking it so often.
10.) Creates Sonic OCs.
Guy 1: *mortified* "What the hell is that ugly thing?"
Guy 2: "Oh, that's just the neighborhood man-child. He must have escaped his mom's basement."
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