1 definition by Xhela

A lovely country north of Denmark, next to Norway. People are friendly and generally speak english very well.

The swedish music scene is something that more and more people have come to appreciate in the last few years. If you're into alternative rock/indie/electro you really should check out it out. Some hot tips are: The Knife, Alice in Videoland, Kitty on the Catwalk, Sahara Hotnights and ofcourse The Hives.

Another thing that has just recently been discovered about Sweden is the domestic production of jeans. Brands such as Acne action jeans, Nudie and Cheap Monday are just starting to make their way to the fashion highways.

And need I mention that the clubbing around "Stureplan" is great? Lots of rich, goodlooking, young people who know how to party.
Great clubs to visit: Berns, Kharma, Sturecompagniet and Laroy.
by Xhela July 20, 2005
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