1 definition by XRC Fenix of Doom

Step 1: One person says, "Bud Light Lime!"

Step 2: Everyone in the room has to put a fist on the table in front of them and then proceed to twerk.

Step 3: If you don't, then bummer. You lose.

Step 4: You must drink. And it might not be a Bud Light Lime, and I know you wished it was, but it's booze, so just drink it. And if you don't like Bud Light Lime, well fuck you, drink anyway.
One says," Bud Light Lime!"

James, Dan, and Tom put their fists down to the table, and than proceed to twerk.

Jeff, looks around in bewilderment, stays stationary and idle.

James, Dan, and Tom: "DRINK, BITCH!"
by XRC Fenix of Doom October 7, 2013
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