1 definition by Wordupmyhomies

An SSRI , Antidepressant used to treat depression and or anxiety. Takes awhile to start kicking in if you have a panic disorder don't expect not to have a panic attack right away but if you wait about 2 or 3 weeks they will go away . you will still experiance some anxiety but after about 4-6 weeks when the levels are consistent in your brain you will feel very well. Although SSRIs are known to dull you out making u feel little of any emotion. IF you start feeling dull talk to your doctor about evening out your dose so you still get rid of the anxiety components but some of the dullness goes away. The dullness is caused because it gets rid of anxiety and chills you out.
I've been on zoloft for about 4 months and am feeling great. Although I have wierd elated happiness to depression mood swings but i think that is a result of being a teenager. I recommend this medication to people with anxiety. And if you smoke , drink, or anything else quit that and get a good night sleep once in awhile. But zoloft is what i think saved my life. Because i was hopeless at one point that i would never get out of my deep state of worrying.
by Wordupmyhomies July 19, 2010
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