4 definitions by Word Picture Artist

Planetary pescetarians are fish-eating pescatarians who are laser-focused on sustainability when choosing what to eat. You will not find a planetary pescatarian diving into a dish that includes foods such as Pacific bluefin tuna or skate as they are on the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) list of fish to avoid due to depleted stocks and overfishing.
A planetary pescaterian might confidently site the MSC’s Good Fish Guide which suggests sustainable alternatives to fish which are in low supply.
by Word Picture Artist January 24, 2022
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Carnisplorers think outside the meat aisle and explore uncharted animal territory. Examples of interest to carnisplorers might super-sustainable rabbit legs, boar head, pigeon breast, goat stew, mutton chops, pig’s cheek, chicken livers, or venison meatballs. These nose-to-tail aficionados embrace all parts of the carcass and all animals (particularly wild ones).
Don’t be tempted to offer Sally and Jim chicken breast for dinner, they are carnisplorers and will not be impressed!
by Word Picture Artist January 24, 2022
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Omnivegan is a pick-and-mix (or tweaked) version of the vegan diet that makes it less restrictive and therefore, have wide appeal. Some people call it “mostly vegan” which can be a gateway to veganism.
Some enthusiasts consider omnivegans cheaters!
by Word Picture Artist January 24, 2022
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Much like the seagan, the chegan tweaks—or cheats—their vegan diet a little to make it more achievable. Some subcategories for example: a beegan follows a vegan diet but enjoys hone with it, an ovo-vegan includes eggs in their diet, or an ice-cregan may add a scoop of flavor from their favorite tub. It’s a pick-and-mix version of the vegan diet that makes it less restrictive and appeals to a broader audience.
Some argue that omnivegan promotes the vegan cause as it becomes the gateway to becoming a full vegan.
by Word Picture Artist January 24, 2022
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