1 definition by Wishingihadherback

The most sweet, loving, and genuine person you will meet. She lights up the room and her eyes will blow you away. She has an energy that attracts pretty much everyone and keeps them wanting more. Karlene always has attention on her cuz it’s hard to take your eyes away from her. She is strong and it shows. Never has problems getting what she wants. She is so sexy and seductive and her eyes enchants you. Her body is spectacular and fit, she likes her food. she is a woman of many talents. Everyone who leaves her ends up coming back because she is just that amazing. So maternal and caring, she is one of the most die hard people you’ll meet.

I’ve never met anyone like her, she reminds me of Karlene an insatiable lover, always eager to learn more. She loves learning new things and is certainly not like any other girl you will meet.
She wears her heart on her sleeve and trusts all until thats broken and you won't get it back. Shes stubborn and gets what she wants
A good girl that loves to party. Will always look after her friends. Family havnt always been there for her but she sees friends as family and believes that friends make communities which is so important.

Enchanting eyes, that will pull you into their depths, as she surrounds you with the warmth of her smile and personality. Loyal to her friends, and lovers, she will never betray a trust.
She has a unique sense of humour, and had a hard life of pain. Past is past, life goes on... she sees the positive in everything.
You’re falling for Karlene, I can see the way you look at her .

You see that girl, that’s the Karlene way of attraction

Her eyes are like karlenes .

Karlene is the biggest mynx alive, soooo damn sexy but also very weird.
by Wishingihadherback December 27, 2021
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