2 definitions by Wiseguy16

Mario Kart Syndrome

A syndrome that develops in gamers who excessively play the addicting game of Mario Kart with their friends. It's harmless, for the most part. People with this syndrome will begin to hallucinate and daydream. They will start thinking of their entire life as a cartoon-like racing game. Their minds will be haunted by the sound of the "invincible star" music. Some may even start glowing rainbows and start dancing to the music in their heads. They may act jumpy around other people, thinking that at any moment someone will shoot a red koopa shell at them. People with this syndrome also might have the strange habit of collecting banana peels instead of throwing them away after eating their bananas like normal people. When you ask them why, they will almost certainly answer, "For defense against the koopa shells!". Never be caught in a car with a person with Mario Kart Syndrome. They will almost no doubt floor the gas pedal and try to "power slide". They may even laugh like a maniac and say, "You won't beat me this time Luigi!". If you take something that belongs to a person with Mario Kart Syndrome, they'll say, "F---ing Boo stole my item again!" People with Mario Kart Syndrome might also have a strange craving for mushrooms. Lots and lots of mushrooms...
Dad: *playing Mario Kart* Oh yeah! Toad you just got SHELLED!
Daughter: Dad... please... that game's for little kids... You'll get Mario Kart Syndrome at this rate.
Dad: Pfft! That's just a myth.
--Next day--
Dad: *driving his daughter to school and starts flooring the gas pedal and power slides all over the place*
Dad: ...must... defeat... Donkey... Kong...
Daughter: Dad...? Are you alright...? DAD?!
Dad: I'm better than alright... I'm... *the whole car starts glowing rainbows* INVINCIBLE! *takes his hands off the wheel and starts dancing to "invincible star" music that just started playing on the radio*
Daughter: wtf? *the car goes through several other vehicles unharmed, sending each car it runs through flying*
Dad: *throws banana peel out the window* TAKE THAT YOSHI!
Daughter: DAD! LOOK OUT!
Dad: Huh? *invincibility wears off and they crash into a tree*
Daughter: *looks at watch* Great... Now I'm going to be late for school! ...I hope you're happy Dad!
Dad: Aw man... *head hits steering wheel* I got eighth place!
by Wiseguy16 November 22, 2012
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Roxas Friendship

A teenage friendship. It is to describe when you are best friends with an older guy and a younger girl. The younger girl may be shy and not have that many friends, but she has a lot in common with you. She wishes she could be more like you, and she may "like" you and look up to you. The guy is someone that you look up to, a true bro, and he has been friends with you longer and has been with you through thick and thin. He's more experienced and popular, and you're willing to do anything for him, because he's always helped you up in a time of need. You're a mutual friend with them and you laugh together all the time. You're the middle guy in the friendship. It could mean that your two friends may not even be friends if it weren't for you. But that's okay, because a "Roxas Friendship" is one of the best friendships out there. But if you are the "Roxas" of a Roxas Friendship, the middle guy, then that means it will be up to you to try to hold the friendship together. Hope that it lasts and enjoy every last moment of it! This phrase refers to Roxas, Axel, and Xion in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days.
Person 1: You see those 3 sitting over at the lunch table over there?
Person 2: You mean Keith, Chris, and Jessica? Yeah, they're always sitting together. What about them?
Person 1: I don't understand. How can two guys and a girl hang out all the time? Usually two guys fight over the girl. Or maybe the girl feels a little weird being with two guys? For them to get along so well...
Person 2: That's what you call a Roxas friendship.
Person 1: Huh?
Person 2: *sighs* You told me you've played Kingdom Hearts before so you should know this. Just think of it this way. Keith is Roxas, Chris is Axel, and Jessica is Xion. Keith and Roxas are both teenage guys with a guy and a girl for a best friend. Keith and Roxas both look up to Chris and Axel. Jessica and Xion both look up to Keith and Roxas. Keith and Roxas are both the middle guy in this, the mutual friend. They kinda tie the three together.
Person 1: Oh, I get what you're saying now...
Person 2: A Roxas friendship is great. But sometimes it falls apart and it's up to the "Roxas" of the group to mend it again. In this case, Keith.
Person 1: Hmm... well, I hope nothing goes wrong, because those three look like they're really happy together.
by Wiseguy16 November 4, 2012
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