2 definitions by Willow Sprite

"heartistic" means "heartfelt", "affective", "affectionate", "warm-hearted", "nice", "emotional", and "right-brain"
Stranded out in the middle of nowhere, I resorted to hitchhiking, and a kind person stopped, after which we had a most heartistic conversation and became pen-pals!
by Willow Sprite May 13, 2023
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"surfericiously" means "with the heart, worldview, zest, love of life, derring-do, ambition and pizzazz of one who challenges the biggest breaking monster waves as a chance for the thrill and pleasure of living at the edge"
The jaded wingsuit diver surfericiously leapt from the precipice and threaded the needle exceeding 158 kilometers an hour with nary a scratch -- and for the heck of it posted his helmet video on YouTube an hour later.
by Willow Sprite March 29, 2020
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