5 definitions by William Rickard

Area in norhern Indiana around Peru where the bodies of 8 unknown people were found decaying in what used to be a marsh. Aslo the site where the body of a girl by the name of Stephanie was found after being beatin and raped.

The Residence of the Demon Pillar Pigs
OMG, lets go to Okie Pinokie and get some ghost photage!!
by William Rickard July 8, 2004
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Word usually used to describe an immense feeling of "Holycraptitude" fear or anxiety. Usually combined with other words/terms such as omfgboom, urgh, rar, weo ect.
Oh My God!!! Demon pillar pigs urgh!!
D0000D did you hear that, omfg, demon pillar pigs!!
by William Rickard July 8, 2004
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A significant viral or pathogenic infection that spans more than 1 country of the world infection millions to 10s and 100s of millions of humans and killing similar numbers during its initial phases or waves of infection and mutation. This infection occurs roughly every 100 years and lasts for more than 12 consecutive months. Immunization efforts may be made by nations with varying results of "herd immunity".
The Great Plague - 1720, Cholera Outbreak - 1820, The Spanish Flu - 1920, Covid-19 - 2020 all acure 100 years apart. Hence Centur (coming from the term Century or 100 years), Ain (coming from Taint or to infect) and Demic (Meaning to pertain to people or populations) or Centuraindemic. (Sen-ture-ane-demic)
by William Rickard May 17, 2021
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Means, shut the fuck up before i fuck shit up. Usually used in lettered form.
Dooooood, you best stfubcifsu!
by William Rickard June 23, 2004
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A term to indicate 20 years of time.
It took a duecade for Tom to find out what a decade was.
by William Rickard April 8, 2023
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