1 definition by William Ligue Bartman Jr.

A place on the North Side of Chicago where men take the day off work to go look at and hit on girls ten years younger than them while drinking horrible beer at less than modest ball park prices. This is done while the women go to there knowing they will get hit on and thus making themself feel better and maybe they were just meet that cute trader named Josh who will buy them a Mai Tai or Corona after the game at one of the trendy surrounding establishments. A place totally void of originality in character. A few baseball fans are amongst the crowd as well from time to time.
"Hey you get that girls number last night at Wrigley?"
"Yeah man, gonna call her tonight I think. Maybe go out have a few drinks."
"Hey, you remember who won the game?"
"No man, didnt even pay attention."
"Lets call Mark to find out, he must have watched it on TV"
by William Ligue Bartman Jr. October 18, 2004
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