2 definitions by William Goodshop

Barry Bonds stands as one of the greatest baseballs players in professional baseball history. Many baseballs fans of our current era (2000's) feel threatened by the poignant and borderline superhuman sucesses of this baseball player in the context of his craft. This is due, in paramount, to his alleged use of performance enhancing drugs known as steroids. While steroids may have helped this baseball player play his game harder, faster, stronger and so-on, what many of his accusers perhaps fail to realize is that all of us, at some point in time in our professional careers, ingest some kind of substance in order to deal or cope with the stresses of our respective careers — or — even to enhance our performance.

It is, of course, a terrible hypocrisy, to chastise another human being simply due to the fact that s/he is in a more visible or finacially rewarding line of work. It is not even valid or justifiable that any of us deride his alleged actions whilst most of us drink coffee, alcohol, take headache medication, effervescent energy tablets, energy bars, cocaine, marijuana, Coca Cola, and so-on, in order to deal with the stresses of our day to day jobs, and in many instances, enhace our performance.

It should be remembered and considered, that there is, always has been, and always will be, a fine line between legal and illegal and our justifications for our own personal actions that pertain to these legal issues. Many defame Barry Bonds because his alleged steroid use was illegal. But every day we may violate the speed limit, we may drive home after a fun night with friends after 2 drinks, we may smoke a bit of marijuana, we may try to find ways to skate around federal taxes, we may roll through a stop sign as an 8-year-old child stands on the crosswalk curb to the right, and we may take a Valium before a stressful meeting in order to ease the nerves and close the sale. Or!... we may take it to enhance our performance!

Of course there will be some folks out there that profess they abstain from drugs like valium or caffeine, but they've certainly rolled through stop signs and the lot of other violations. For X sake! We're all humans here and evolution in and of itself should drive the justification for adapting to our current challenges. The message here is not necessarily to absolve the actions of Barry Bonds, but to dissolve the hypocritical accusations that we, the public, are better than the souls that entertain us by way of the television. Television sucks, people, I'll admit to that any day, but baseball is one of the last real things we'll find on television. Real players doing real things, real emotions, real time, etc. It's the other decay that's out there that we should be skeptical of.... the politics, the drama shows... the news... but not the game of baseball. This is a group of men that are simply pushing to outperform one another. They're not villains. If there's animosity toward cheating... why, then, let's turn our heads more vehemently to politics or media, by golly, and let's stop whipping those prodigies that entertain us.
One of the greatest baseball players of all-time is Barry Bonds.
by William Goodshop August 19, 2006
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One of the most intense headlocks man can experience. The Steve Leopold headlock was born in the year 2000, in a taxi cab headed for the Condor Bar in San Francisco, California.
Wow, he put me in a Steve Leopold.
by William Goodshop August 19, 2006
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