3 definitions by Wilfyisaboatthat

You would call call someone a Boatthat whenever you’re sad about your girlfriends ex abuser. This is a noun only used by classically educated individuals. A Boatthat is generally someone who has a sexual preference for minors and asian girls. As well as this, they play vr chat and rust longer than your best friend joee. This means wifebeating is a common side effect for Boatththats. However, it is reported that 14 year old girls can often defend themselves against a Boatthat and actually dom them.
1)Stop posting pictures of Boatthat!!
2)your a Boatthat
3)Boatthat...stop raping that 14 year old!!!
4)On average 1/5 people you know are Boatthats.

5)Boatzy is such a Boatthat
by Wilfyisaboatthat February 14, 2021
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This word is usually used when you're surprised about something. Also, it is used after making a mistake (can be used in replacement of "shit!" or "fuck" in this context). After looking into some history on the origins of this word, it is believed that the original bed that the word came from was Wilfy's daughter's bed. Wilfy is a Boatthat.
1) Haru Chan: my parents beat me

Wilfy: Shit in Bed!!

2)Yuki: oh no I got pizza crust stuck in Boatzy's urethra...Shit in Bed!!
by Wilfyisaboatthat February 21, 2021
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When you’re really smart and use the right yours in the correct context.
Being classically educated also means you don’t believe victims and find dog sexual assault funny LOL.
It also gives you n word hard r pass because you think racism is a conspiracy theory. (e.g. being racist to muslims isn’t racist)
your heinous is correct
you’re clapped is wrong

Another example of being classically educated:
Haru...stop talking about your abuse and let me show you my private folder of my daughter. 😁😁😁
Shit in bed!
by Wilfyisaboatthat February 14, 2021
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