1 definition by WhyDoYouEvenCareWhatMyNameIs?

a fat ass who likes fortnite too much and eats McDonald's big-macs every day. he is an utter asshole to everyone on earth and thinks he deserves everything and expects everything on a silver platter. he is the kind of guy who will complain that he has to do work to get something in life. all in all, he is what anyone should avoid being. (he also has a microscopic dick... so small it makes his ego look even bigger)
person: I prefer pubg, its a more solid game and I like the realism
Quintin: THE FUCK YOU SAY!!??? come on, fite me nigga, fite me
person: why do you care?
Quintin: fuck you, you think pubg is better? fortnite is so much better! i got like 150 wins
person: ok I don't really care about you or your oppinion
Quintin: oh you're leaving pussy boy?
person: no you're just annoying now fuck off
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