1 definition by Whutwhut?

Much like its word cousins "Chatty Cathy" and "Debbie Downer", using the term BHB, otherwise known as "Butthurt Ben", allows you to discreetly describe and/or refer to a friend/family member as being inexplicably difficult, or outright immature, specifically when this person is acting like a poor sport during a game, sporting event, or any activity that requires its participants display any mode of competitiveness. Using the term BHB is considered a courtesy and serves the purpose of avoiding any extra, unneeded fit-throwing, huffing, puffing, or any other related expression of childishness. That is... Until said BHB finds out what BHB actually stands for... Then you're just done for.
Example #1
Mark: "Did you see how Becky acted last night after she lost a couple hands in poker?"
Bailey: "Yea, what the heck? She was being a total BHB."

Example # 2
Pat: "Remeber the BHB incident that went down last Friday night?"
David: "Yea, let's leave Greg out of our Fantasy League next time around."

poor sport brat butthurt huff fit immature childish chatty cathy debbie downer
by Whutwhut? January 23, 2016
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