1 definition by Whorescock

A.) The act of driving by in your car, and screaming "Horsecock!" out the window as loud as you can at some poor bastard. Usually resulting in rude hand gestures and yelling.

B.) A horses fallis, grand in size.

C.) The movement of random yelling the phrase "Horsecock!" all the time.

D.) A synonym for "Auroch"
A.) Dude, last night I totally got Horsecock!... I was shaking my fist and yelling at them for hours... Even after they were long gone.

B.) See: Farm

C.) Horsecock isn't just a word anymore... It's a way of life.

D.) A shitty wannabe thrash metal band. Members including:
Vocalist: Kernel Sanders
Bass: Aron Winknob
Guitar 1: Paul Manooze
Guitar 2: Sabastard
Drums: Sol Cockman
by Whorescock July 7, 2009
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