1 definition by Whooha

A small amount of tobacco packed into a patty shape with a round ball of marijuana rolled on top of it. Usually stuffed into a "popper bottle". This marijuana smoking technique is common in Southern Ontario, Canada. Produces the same affects as regular marijuana usage along with a slight head rush produced by the tobacco. Popper smokers do not tend to smoke the tobacco part and use it as a sort of screen in the popper bottle tube of the smoking apparatus. Many unique words are used to describe various parts of smoking "popper or poppers" such as: "Sitch" which is the small amount of tobacco ripped from an end of a cigarette to form the base of a popper. "Spoof" which is a filtration device made of a toilet paper roll stuffed with bounty sheets to trap marijuana smoke and the hefty aroma and the "Popper Bottle" itself also known as a "PB" which is usually made of a used soda pop bottle with a nipple tube from a lamp stuck in the side. The "Popper Bottle" is airtight and holds a small amount of water to filter the smoke as the user inhales through the spout of the bottle.
Yo, let's hit some poppers...
I need a new popper bottle, this ones all gross!
Ewww... I just swallowed a hot rock from that popper.
by Whooha February 6, 2007
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