1 definition by WhiteAngel

Otherkin is a word for people who beleive, in one or many given ways, that they are something other then human. Mostly, this is in a spiritual sense. An otherkin individual may beleive that their spirit is anything fron ET's, Faeries, Angels, Animals, Dragons, Unicorns, ect.
I see many of the definitions listed here and feel alot of the predgidous is woefully misplaced. I am not an overweight web desighner at all, nor do I sit in my house or office and roleplay being " something else". I am a CEO of a very significant and large healthcare company, I have a large family and plenty of friends, and get out quite often, thank you. Kin come from many walks of life and may look like/resemble any 'Normal' person. Kin tend to be suspicious and even cold to 'normal' people for exactly the type of reactions outlined here. The unneccesary, immature, hateful comments by people who would rather not even stop to consider that the things they say may hurt other people. We have just as much right to beleive what we want to beleive as you do.
Before you go pointing fingers and critisizing how other people live their lives, turn that 'high powered' perception back on yourself. Maybe you'll see how much of an ass your being.
For those scattered few who wrote decent definitions in here, shame on you for not speaking up about this kind of immature definition. You are *not* helping anyone.
Otherkin: Beleif that an individual is, one one way or another, something other then human
by WhiteAngel May 5, 2006
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