2 definitions by Way T. Go

An insult making someone "gay as in lame" that doesn't offend homosexual men and/or women. It can also be used as a come back that is way more insulting than being called "gay".
Jake: "Sam you are so gay you totally suck at everything."
Sam: "I'd rather be gay than Quarter Bi you asshole."
Jake : "Wow you would go there."
by Way T. Go February 10, 2010
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A word that is a combination of the two words uniform and outfit. Often used when talking about a wardrobe while not completely being there mentally. Good word for stupid people to use or smart people to make fun of stupid people.
Sam: "Zach you need to shape up your zoned out and you have a hole in your pants."

Zach: "I don't really care about how my outform looks."

Group of friends excluding Zach: "HAHAHAHA"
by Way T. Go February 11, 2010
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